In the period of globally spreading disease “cancer” is always considered as one of the most hazardous diseases for humans and as hazardous the diseases are, its treatment is so expensive and all could not afford it at once as the data analysis tells us :
- The data estimation in India is 13.9 lakh and may increase to 15.7 lakh by 2025.
- This is also estimated that women are more infected by cancer.

But, Cancer Cure here helping you to overcome by this as providing the health care, for the people this is the big and virtuous step taken by the cancer cure who genuinely care for the people who can’t afford the treatment at once, here the cancer cure is distributing the cancer card for the people who are contributing more than 3000 Rupees for the institution, this health care will help for those who have been denoting the money rupees more than 3000 and help them at the time of their treatment.
The cancer hospital that is linked with our institution will provide you with a discount of 30% this discount would be given to you at the time of payment of your total bill, the card has a validity of 15 months which will be so beneficial for the donors and the patients.
A cancer survivor said;
“Cancer does not have to define you.”

An estimated data tells us women get more infected by cancer, women are the soul of the house .. she is the lady who makes a house a living and family, losing that gem could change everything so why not the save the lives of that valuable person in your life who does everything without any complaint, any payment just by love and support, lets all stand against this disease.
By donating will make society more aware and help for the welfare.
PLEASE let us contribute and become a part of this humankind work.